List of Harwich Ponds

Pond Name Town CCC GIS ID Notes Area (acres) Max Depth (ft) Approximate location
Long Pond Part in Brewster BR-279 742.95 70
Seymour Pond Part in Brewster HA-306 183.38 38 Pleasant Lake Ave/Punkhorn Rd
Hinckleys Pond Harwich HA-353 Bogs on east and west ends of pond; recently abandoned 174.76 28 Pleasant Lake Ave/Headwaters Dr
West Reservoir Harwich HA-530 72.77 6 Depot St/Bells Neck Rd
Walkers Pond Harwich HA-358 36.17 27 Spruce Rd/Nathan Walker Rd
Bucks Pond Harwich HA-420 34.37 Route 39/Queen Anne
Cahoon Pond Part in Brewster BR-299 32.9 14 Rt 137/Mid-Cape Hwy
Robbins Pond Harwich HA-386 32.76 12 Factory Rd
Hawksnest Pond Harwich HA-354 29.55 Hawksnest/Nathan Walker Rd
Grass Pond Harwich HA-579 28.46 3 Forest St/Bank St.
Sand Pond Harwich HA-525 23.39 25 Great Western Rd/Deacons Folly Rd
Mill Pond – Chatham Mostly Chatham CH-440 22.98 16 Queen Anne/Duncan Ln
John Josephs Pond Harwich HA-416 21.81 55 Queen Anne/John Joseph’s Rd
Aunt Edies Pond Harwich HA-376 21.78 7 Oak St
Skinequit Pond Harwich HA-629 18.06 32 Uncle Venies Rd/Skinequit Rd
Smalls Pond Mostly Brewster BR-314 17.32 10 Cahoon Rd
Flax Pond Harwich HA-507 Bogs on east and west ends of pond 15.1 18 Main St/Fairview Ave
Olivers Pond Harwich HA-351 14.6 Hawksnest Rd/Round Cove Rd
Mill Pond Part in Brewster HA-310 13.58 15 Rt 137/Long Pond Dr
Cornelius Pond Harwich HA-381 12.73 7 Queen Anne/Jay Z Dr
Grassy Pond Part in Brewster BR-319 12.6 Olde Homestead Way/Mid-Cape Hwy
White Pond Part in Dennis HA-414 12.3 Old Chatham Rd/Lynch Lane
Paddocks Pond Harwich HA-562 12.12 Chatham Rd/Long Rd
Black Pond — Brewster Part in Brewster BR-316 11.37 Crowells Bog Rd
Mud Pond Part in Brewster HA-300 11.01 Mary Willet Ct
Black Pond Harwich HA-364 9.35 Hawksnest/Nathan Walker Rd
Sand Lake Harwich HA-418 8.3 Shady Drive/Rainbow Way
Andrews Pond Harwich HA-442 6.87 Bakers Drive
Littlefields Pond Harwich HA-387 5.43 Littlefield Pond Rd
Round Pond/Dark Bottom Mostly Brewster BR-377 4.97 Depot St/Littlefield Pond Rd
Island Pond Harwich HA-532 2.88 Bike trail/Island Pond Cemetery
Kiddies Pond Harwich HA-424 2.66 Rainbow Way/Queen Anne
Jack’s Pond Harwich HA-404 Unnamed in 2003 Atlas 1.76 Queen Anne/Lakeway Ln
Abrams Pond Harwich HA-500 0.82 Crestview Drive/Monument Way
Okers Pond Harwich HA-557 0.71 Marthas Lane
Washburn Bog Pond bit in Brewster HA-393 0.59 Old Chatham Rd/Lynch Lane
Aunt Rennie’s Pond Harwich HA-1131 0.33 Rt 39/Happy Way
Harwich HA-1156 2.36 Cape Cod National Golf (Wequassett)
Harwich HA-465 1.77 Depot Rd/Rt 39
Harwich HA-446 1.58 Cranberry Valley
Harwich HA-403 1.42 Cranberry Valley/Queen Anne Rd
Harwich HA-331 1.23 Cahoon Rd
Harwich HA-1105 Next to active bogs 1.16 Bog Lane
Harwich HA-645 Filled in as part of Cold Brook restoration 0.89 Cold Brook preserve
Harwich HA-1135 Pond or vernal pool?  Often dry 0.86 Walker Woods Dr
Harwich HA-1068 0.76 Main St/ Herring River
Harwich HA-301 0.69 Jasper Moore Trail
Harwich HA-486 0.69 Rt 39/Hidden Pond Cir
Harwich HA-1133 0.57 Bike Trail/Mid-Cape Hwy
Harwich HA-489 0.53 Bike Trail near Andrews Pond
Harwich HA-461 0.45 Cranberry Valley
Harwich HA-508 Next to active bogs 0.44 Bike Path/North Side of Coulson bogs
Harwich HA-1134 0.38 Cranberry Hollow Lane
Harwich HA-454 0.37 Depot Rd/Rt 39
Harwich HA-531 0.35 Main St/Lothrop Ave
Harwich HA-537 0.34 Island Pond Cemetery
Harwich HA-1110 Next to active bogs 0.34 Evergreen Way
Harwich HA-512 0.32 Town Forest/Chatham line
Harwich HA-434 0.28 Obed Brooks Rd
Harwich HA-520 Next to active bogs 0.27 Main St. Bogs
Harwich HA-1075 Next to active bogs 0.27 Bogs between Kendrick Rd and Bay Rd
Harwich HA-374 0.24 Nathan Walker Rd
Harwich Four new shallow ponds under construction as part of Cold Brook restoration
Harwich Two or three apparent ponds in wetland between Headwaters and Mid-Cape just south of Regal Care

Sources and Useful Links

Cape Cod Commission Updated Pond Atlas Pond Viewer

2021 Cape Cod Pond and Lake Atlas [Cape Cod Commission]

Cape Cod Pond and Lake Atlas Final Report May 2003 [Cape Cod Commission]

Priority Ponds Project, Harwich Conservation Trust