
Water Testing

Barnstable County (E.coli testing and other issues):

Association to Preserve Cape Cod (cyanobacteria testing and other issues):

Don Yannuzzi, Natural Resource Director for Harwich (for baseline water quality testing on temperature, clarity, mineral content, etc):

Invasives Removal

Massachusetts Weed Watcher Program:

Massachusetts Audubon Society Invasives Guide:

Grow Native Massachusetts:

Massachusetts Prohibited Plant List:

Native Plant Trust:

Invasive Plants and Their Native Look-Alikes:

Permitting Process for Invasives Removal and Other Pond Projects

Amy Usowski, Harwich Conservation Commissioner:

Harwich Conservation Commission:

MA National Heritage and Endangered Species Program:

Other Useful Resources

Harwich Conservation Trust:

Cape Cod Commission Freshwater Initiative (a 3-year grant-funded project to study Cape Cod ponds and develop solutions to issues):

Cape Cod Commission Updated Pond Atlas Pond Viewer

2021 Cape Cod Pond and Lake Atlas [Cape Cod Commission]

Cape Cod Pond and Lake Atlas Final Report May 2003 [Cape Cod Commission]

Priority Ponds Project, Harwich Conservation Trust

Contact Harwich Pond Coalition: